CISO Exchange East Day 1: True Security Partnerships And Overcoming IoT Security Challenges


On the first day of CISO Exchange East 2019, enterprise security leaders gathered to discuss the state of cyber security. Delegates heard senior information security and CISO leaders discuss their cyber concerns and along with ideas that security peers could take back to their organization. Day one of the Exchange event featured panels discussing approaches to enterprise partnerships and alignment of technology with the business, and early signals in overcoming security challenges with the Internet of Things (IoT).

True Security Partnerships – Connecting The Technology To The Business

Simply put, security cannot be a bolted on enterprise afterthought. Cyber leaders must be able to create value to the organization by analyzing new risks. This can be accomplished through partnerships with key business stakeholders including the CIO, Chief Privacy Officer, and Chief Risk Officer. Audit and compliance committees are also potential allies in the protection of PHI and PII data.

The responsibility for enterprise risk management resides in different aspects of a business, depending on the industry, the regulatory and compliance climate, and management’s…

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