Cloud security needs to be your organisation’s top priority


Multifarious benefits of cloud computing make the disruption of digital transformation worthwhile, business leaders are assured. However, a recent torrent of automated attacks on cloud infrastructure’s vulnerabilities has precipitated a somewhat gloomy outlook, raining on the cloud’s silver lining.

In September, for example, Xbash – an advanced, data-destructive malware strain that combines cryptomining, ransomware and botnet capabilities – was identified. How can organisations that have come to depend on the cloud for the smooth running of their business combat these morphing, multi-vector cyberthreats?

“Cloud security has never been more critical,” warns Max Heinemeyer, director of threat hunting at Darktrace, a global leader in artificial intelligence-powered cybersecurity. “Xbash is a very sophisticated example of an automated attack because it can target both Linux and Windows servers, and has multiple payloads.

“Automated attacks against internet-facing infrastructure, like Xbash, are not new. What has changed is that the number of devices that are internet facing and potentially vulnerable has increased exponentially. This is in no small part due to the…

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