Cutting edge of certifications


Pradipto Chakrabarty

In a world where recruiters take mere seconds to scan through most resumes, a relevant certification inserted at the right place, can make your resume stand out from the rest. Certifications tell your prospective employer that you are prepared for a job in an all-round manner. These also indicate to your peers that you take your job role seriously. These act as a signal of your competency in roles where basic and practical skills are required for  the evolving technology industry. IT certifications, in particular, signify that you are well-versed in practical  skills and incorporate emerging technology skills in your portfolio. Whatever be the stage of your career,  you can go for a certification that will enhance your job prospects.  

1 For beginners, a core IT certification that covers all pillars of a digital organisation such as devices, networking, cybersecurity, software and operating system, irrespective of platform, lets employers know that you are skilled enough troubleshoot across technologies. It is, thus, the very first step to gaining a foothold in the new age technical support space. With time, mainstream computer systems will come to…

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