Dualog Takes Cyber Security to Higher Level with Dualog Protect


Walter Hannemann



2019-01-22 15:53:26

Tromso-based Dualog has taken shipboard cyber security to a higher level by launching a new service that promises to totally protect vessels and their onboard IT systems even before an attack occurs.

Dualog Protect is being heralded as the first line of defense in a robust approach to cyber security onboard ship, where malware and unwanted data traffic is blocked at the DNS-level. By setting up this extra layer of defense, owners and managers can drastically reduce the risk of malware attacks on their ships.

An important factor if you consider the findings of a Cisco Security Research paper which claims that 91.3 percent of malware uses DNS in attacks.

Dualog Protect blocks ransom-ware, trojans and phishing attempts as well as preventing ‘command-and-control call-backs’ and data exfiltration. By operating at the DNS-level, the service protects all…

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