Cyber Risks and Connected Cars


A boom in automobile technology and connectivity in 2018 further boosted expectations of consumers regarding the integration and functionality of their devices and vehicles. Automobile manufacturers have responded by developing cars that often include the services of a digital chauffeur, navigator, receptionist, and personal assistant. Automobiles are also expected to communicate with other systems and with the driver’s personal devices, as well as the applications and software services contained therein. As cars increasingly become more complex, integrated and personal to the driver, doorways into the car’s own network are created that increase the risks of cyberattacks and cyber-theft.

Cybersecurity is an arms race with respect to corporate networks, and connected cars are no different than other industries and governments that have been the subject of cyberattacks. As hard as companies are working to implement security policies and technology to keep up with threats, hackers are working diligently to undermine them. Understanding the current issues and…

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