Cybersecurity for Hospitals


16min read

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While news of hacking efforts at major banks, credit card providers, and large multi-national companies grab the public’s attention all over the world, increasing attempts at attacking healthcare providers should raise equal or greater concern.

On 30 September Australians learned a major network of hospitals in Victoria was hacked, causing among other issues delays in surgeries. The Victorian government assured Australians “At this time there is no suggestion that personal patient information has been accessed.”

This is not the first hacking incident in the Australian healthcare system. In February we learned 15,000 medical records at the Melbourne Heart Group were hacked and scrambled around.

In 2018 online appointment booking site for medical practices, HealthEngine, disclosed a data breach in which 59,600 pieces of patient feedback “may” have been improperly accessed.

Some Australians may not be naïve enough to believe customer information is safe from healthcare data breaches. In 2016 Hackers accessed personal details of customers…

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