de-risking the future – Government and civil service news


Veronica Scotti

On environmental, social and economic issues, nations face a set of ticking time bombs – and unless they take preventive action, their people and public finances will suffer. At the Global Government Finance Summit 2019, civil servants discussed how governments can avert these looming dangers. Matt Ross reports

“The world is getting more complex; some of the stressors
are increasing – and some new stressors are coming to the fore,” said Veronica

In a recent World Economic Forum survey of 1000
decision-makers from the public, private, voluntary and education sectors, she
explained, “nine out of 10 respondents expected worsening economic and
political confrontations between major powers in the short term, and are
concerned over the 10-year horizon by extreme weather and climate change. So
there’s a short-term pressure point, and a very long-term, structural pressure
point; both need to be addressed.”

As Group Managing Director and Chairperson of Public Sector
Solutions for insurance firm Swiss Re, Scotti spends much of her time examining
“contingent liabilities”: the social, economic and environmental risks that
threaten to damage…

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