Defense contractors need to take security into their own hands


Many small and mid-sized defense contractors are concerned about the impending Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) process, and more generally, about the ever-growing security requirements handed down by DoD.

While CMMC readiness is important, too little consideration goes to the bigger message that DoD is trying to send and that every defense contractor should by now have internalized: the defense industry needs to take security more seriously.

This was driven home in the Biden administration’s National Defense Strategy, released last month, which emphasized the criticality of defense industrial base security to DoD’s integrated deterrence strategy against China, Russia, and other adversaries. In other words, CMMC is just the beginning.

For defense contractors who want to break out of the reactive cycle of compliance-based security measures, there is a better way. Businesses should take security into their own hands by investing early in security risk management to grow their business, increase efficiency, and become secure and resilient.

What is Security Risk Management?

Security risk management is, in essence, a way of doing business. It means…

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