DHS Hopes Supply Chain Task Force Will Enhance Federal IT Security


The Department of Homeland Security is moving ahead with plans to beef up security for the global IT supply chain and, by extension, for the federal government. 

On Oct. 30, DHS announced the creation and chartering of the nation’s first Information and Communications Technology Supply Chain Risk Management Task Force. The task force is a public-private partnership designed to examine and develop “consensus recommendations” to identify and manage risk to the global ICT supply chain.

Although the task force is not specifically focused on protecting just the hardware and software that government agencies use, a DHS official has said that one of its key goals is to help prevent agencies from buying technologies with security problems. 

MORE FROM FEDTECH: Find out how feds have stepped up their anti-phishing game! 

DHS Seeks to Identify Supply Chain Cybersecurity Risks

Foreign adversaries, hackers and criminals present significant new cybersecurity risks to government and industry, DHS notes in a statement, adding that their contractors, subcontractors and suppliers at all tiers of the supply chain “are under constant attack, targeted by increasingly sophisticated and…

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