Five Tips For Building Digital Resilience Into Your Business Plan


digital resilienceThe security advisory firm Herjavec Group reports that cybercrime damages are set to cost businesses $6 trillion annually by 2021, with cybersecurity spending topping $1 trillion from 2017 to 2021. A trillion here, a trillion there … pretty soon you’re talking real money — more than enough to acknowledge that managing an organization’s cyber risk has truly become a CEO and Board-level responsibility.

It is essential today that enterprises build digital resilience into their business plans—and do so deep and wide.

Tip #1: Understand the difference between digital security and digital resilience. Security is about locking up and hunkering down. Resilience is about standing up to do business while fighting back. Security is necessary to protect your business but not sufficient. In the fulness of time, an attacker will get through. You need a strategy that gives you the ability to fight, stay connected, and keep doing business while responding to and recovering from a cyberattack. You need resilience.

Tip #2: Create awareness in the C-suite and the boardroom of both the risks associated with your digital infrastructure and the certainty of cyberattack. In…

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