If your organisation is hacked, the first 48 hours are critical


Organisations can’t avoid being attacked, so what they do during a breach to contain its impact is essential, says Tague.

“What you need to do is detect attackers when they’re in your environment and stop them moving laterally so your key crown jewels are protected.”

Mandiant’s M-Trends Report 2022 reveals that cyber intrusions in APAC organisations go unnoticed for an average of 21 days and that ransomware threat actors can complete their movement across the entire attack lifecycle and deploy ransomware within nine days after achieving initial compromise.

“Noticing, intercepting, and mitigating successful cyber intrusions is often beyond the in-house capability of many small organisations, and challenging even for many enterprises,” Tague says.

Organisations can turn to managed detection and response (MDR) services, with the goal of reducing the average time for detecting intrusions from 21 days down to hours.

“Mandiant’s Managed Defence service has intercepted many successful intrusions where an attacker had the intention to deploy ransomware and mitigated the attack before there was any business impact,” Tague says.

Mandiant conducts MDR scans directly after a…

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