Infrequent cyber wargames betray organisations’ inadequate data-breach response – CSO


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Nearly half of businesses had suffered a data breach in the past year but over two-thirds of executives don’t understand their role in the company’s cyber security response plan, according to new research that also found just 24 percent of business executives are highly confident their organisation could withstand a cybersecurity attack.

The Deloitte survey, of 3685 professionals attending an online webinar in May, highlighted the lack of preparation for cybersecurity events through cybersecurity ‘wargames’ – practice runs to test individuals’ preparations and organisational responses to cybersecurity attack.

Some 41.2 percent of respondents said their organisation doesn’t conduct cyber wargames, while just 12.5 percent said they had participated in such an effort in the past 12 months.

This, despite 43.4 percent of executives admitting their companies had suffered a data breach in the same past 12 months.

“Cyber wargames are an important way to raise awareness of the latest cyber risks and attack…

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