Is Buying CyberArk Software Ltd. (CYBR) Here a Winning Strategy?


The stock of CyberArk Software Ltd. (NASDAQ:CYBR) reached all time high today, Feb, 2 and still has $92.02 target or 4.00 % above today’s $88.48 share price. This indicates more upside for the $3.19B company. This technical setup was reported by If the $92.02 PT is reached, the company will be worth $127.64M more.
Trading stocks at an all time highs is usually a winning strategy. An all time high points to a stock which has the most positive fundamentals ever. Even thought the pullback rate is high, if correct risk management is utilized, investors can trade very well such events.

The stock increased 0.82% or $0.72 during the last trading session, reaching $88.48. About 867,188 shares traded or 20.63% up from the average. CyberArk Software Ltd. (NASDAQ:CYBR) has risen 71.61% since February 2, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 71.61% the S&P500.

Analysts await CyberArk Software Ltd. (NASDAQ:CYBR) to report earnings on February, 21. They expect $0.39 earnings per share, up 25.81 % or $0.08 from last year’s $0.31 per share. CYBR’s profit will be $14.07 million for 56.72 P/E if the $0.39 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.31 actual earnings per…

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