Is The Cyber Security Industry All Smoke And Mirrors?


Episode #79 of Task Force 7 Radio this week featured a cyber security expert panel to discuss all the hype around the crowded solutions market and analyzed the true effectiveness that so many products are having on organization’s defense in depth security posture.

The Chief Security Officer of Bitgo Thomas Pageler; the Chief Information Security Officer of Ciena Andrew Bonillo; and the Chief Security Officer of the National Australia Bank David Fairman, made up this expert panel. They joined TF 7 Radio Host George Rettas, president and CEO of Task Force 7 Radio and Task Force 7 Technologies, to discuss the cyber security industry’s fear-driven solutions market, how convergent security models in Australia are gaining attention, how companies currently share cyber intelligence with the government and the Five Eye Alliance, and current state of election security around the world.

The Convergent Cyber Security Model

Fairman was the first Chief Security Officer to come into the National Australia Bank. So his role was created last year, which is what brought him home from New York, back to Australia in about June of last year. With a broad role…

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