Keynote Address of Chairman Rostin Behnam at the Futures Industry Association Expo 2023, Chicago, Illinois


(An abbreviated version was delivered )


Good morning and thank you Walt, and to everyone at FIA for inviting me to join you this morning to help kick off this year’s Expo.  There is much going on at the CFTC, and our markets are more important than ever as a time-tested means for assessing, monitoring, and managing risk, and for exploring ways to ensure a resilient and stable future.

Markets continue to demonstrate volatility amid economic and geopolitical uncertainty.  And that means that the Commission must act purposefully while remaining careful stewards of our resources.  I feel more committed than ever to these principals of deliberation and stewardship during this time of uncertainty.  Recognizing the responsibilities of a financial regulator, my duties include prioritizing market resilience and stability, and protecting the public from fraud and abuse, while resisting calls for action rooted in short-termism that may place our markets at risk.  Every decision we make, and every word we say impacts people and markets, and this reality will continue to anchor me.

Every action the Commission takes is rooted in the Commodity Exchange Act and is…

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