Managing Cyber Risks: A New Tool for Banks


Magri and DePierro will be featured speakers at ISMG’s Legal & Compliance Summit in New York, to be held Nov. 15. Get more details on their session, as well as other speakers at the Legal & Compliance Summit.

Banks have a new tool available to help them develop and maintain cyber risk management programs. In a joint interview with Information Security Media Group, two architects of the
Financial Services Sector Cybersecurity Profile – Josh Magri of the Bank Policy Institute and Denyette DePierro of the American Bankers Association – describe how to put the new tool to good use.

The profile, which is based, in part, on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, provides a roadmap to risk management as well as compliance, they say.

“It’s a scalable and extensible assessment that financial institutions of all types can use both for internal assessment and external assessment,” Magri says. “It’s really a mechanism by which firms can also [demonstrate] compliance with various regulatory frameworks.”

The profile provides the financial services community with a consolidated guide to complying with…

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