National Computer Security Day Interview: Modernizing Cybersecurity Career Paths


The surging power of computers, coupled with rising reliance on digital machines, has made cybersecurity a mainstream topic. Governments globally are setting out strategies and legislation in this area, recognizing the enormous threat cyber-attacks pose to critical services and society more generally.

National Computer Security Day began in 1988 and was designed to raise awareness about computer security as usage grew in organizations. The relevance of this issue has grown immeasurably in that time, with computing technology now critical to all aspects of everyday life.

As the cybersecurity industry has evolved and grown, one of the key challenges is addressing the cyber-skills gap, ensuring IT teams can keep up with the expanding threat landscape.

There are a range of steps needed to address this multifaceted problem, one of which is to create a more professionalized cybersecurity careers that offers clearly defined roles and pathways, as exists in other professions like law and accountancy. This will both help employers find the right candidates for specific cybersecurity roles and workers to chart a clear career progression path.

This task is part of the remit for the UK…

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