Norwich recovers some money after cyber scam


A Vermont town has recovered some money lost in a cyber scam. The town of Norwich lost nearly $250,000 dollars after an employee fell for the scheme in August.

Referred to as a business email compromise scheme, it’s a cyber attack where in this case, the scammer claimed to be Norwich town manager, Herb Durfee.

“If you take just a cursory look, it looks like an email from me,” Durfee said. “But if you take a closer look, you can tell it isn’t from me.”

Unfortunately, the employee didn’t catch on and made several transactions under the direction of the scammer. The loss accounted for more than 5% of the town’s 4.5 million dollar budget. Norwich police has been working with the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s office on the investigation. Durfee said some of the money has been recovered.

“We were able to get some bank recovery of some of the funds just under $80,000,” he said. “So there’s a level of good news in a situation that’s been very difficult for all of us.”

Norwich’s insurer, the Vermont league of Cities and towns is also assisting in the town’s recovery. In a statement to local 22 & 44 news, it says

“The Vermont League…

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