Only 9% of IT budgets are dedicated to security


Despite their best efforts, 67% of businesses say they need to improve security and compliance measures with 24% rating their organization’s security and compliance strategy as reactive, according to Vanta.

The expansion of attack surfaces in a post-pandemic hybrid world, combined with shrinking teams and budgets and the rapid rise of generative AI, are fueling an urgent need for companies to improve — and prove — their security posture.

For companies of all sizes, limited risk visibility and resource constraints make it challenging to improve their security. Only 4 in 10 organizations rate their risk visibility as strong. Meanwhile, 1 in 4 have downsized IT staff and 60% have either already reduced IT budgets or are planning to as they continue grappling with the challenging global economic environment.

Businesses need new methods to improve their security

With rising risk and shrinking resources, the message is clear: businesses need new methods to improve their security.

Compounding the urgency is ever-evolving global regulation and the growing time-suck of complying with an increasing number of standards. Organizations are at an impasse in an environment where customers…


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