Organizations Not Ready To Tackle Cyber Demands


There are notable gaps in organizations’ abilities to meet cyber security demands for the future, according to a new Deloitte 2019 Future of Cyber survey. The report highlights the dissonance between what organizations aspire to versus the current reality of their cyber posture. The survey indicates that many cyber organizations are challenged by their ability to help better prioritize cyber risk across the enterprise (16 percent), followed closely behind by lack of management alignment on priorities and adequate funding, each at 15 percent.

cyber demandsToday’s cyber leaders are focused on digital transformation as a catalyst for change for both the greater enterprise and their cyber agendas. With acknowledgement that cyber is everywhere comes the need for organizational leadership to get real about how they intend to manage the pervasiveness of cyber in the new era of cloud, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and data integrity. Deloitte Cyber surveyed 500 C-suite executives who have responsibility for cyber security to explore their challenges in leading the transformation from legacy environments, disconnected data sources, identity systems, and governance…

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