Reactive or Proactive? Making the Case for New Kill …

Classic kill chain models that aim to find and stop external attacks don’t account for threats from insiders. Here what a modern kill chain should include.

The kill chain model is not new to most security professionals. Created in 2011 by Lockheed Martin, the model highlights the seven stages bad actors typically go through to steal sensitive information. In case you need a refresher, the steps include reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and actions on objective. The goal for security analysts and investigators is to disrupt the chain early, before sensitive data slips out the door. Although the model works for certain kinds of attacks, in many others, it doesn’t.

Using more sophisticated techniques than ever before, attackers are coming from both the inside and outside, whether they’re employees seeking to do harm, compromised users, or external bad actors. The classic kill chain model was designed to help organizations combat external threats by bad actors. Some organizations try to squeeze other types of threats, such as those posed by insiders, into the classic model, which doesn’t work because the behavior of insider…

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