Regulatory Gray Areas Make Telemarketing Compliance a Tough Call


Telemarketing isn’t just annoying to consumers; it’s also often a pain for the companies that rely on call centers to drive sales. As Brian Steele, a VP at, explains, compliance may not be top of mind for teams focused on generating revenue — but it should be.

Many call center and sales leaders and employees see compliance as beyond their concern. It’s hardly their fault — compliance isn’t a top priority with sales KPIs and other performance-related metrics demanding their immediate attention. Even the most well-intentioned sales leaders can struggle to keep their teams’ focus on an ever-growing list of compliance standards and regulations.

But with Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) violations costing organizations tens of millions of dollars and organizations already struggling to cope with an economic downturn, the price of noncompliance is far too high to ignore. To remain compliant, organizations must invest in proper education and training surrounding telemarketing compliance.

The problem with telemarketing compliance

Since the TCPA was passed in 1991, telemarketing regulations have grown more convoluted, especially as Congress and the FCC routinely update the TCPA and do-not-call (DNC) regulations.
