Richmond adopts new department of codes, planning, safety and risk management | Richmond


The Richmond City Commission, during a regular meeting, voted to consolidate two city departments and one key position in hopes of being more “user-friendly” in providing public services.

Among those combined were the Department of Codes Enforcement, Department of Planning and Zoning and the safety and risk management director position, to form the newly adopted Department of Codes, Planning, Safety and Risk Management, which will also assume the responsibilities performed by the business license associate in the city’s finance department.

The existing director of the Department of Codes Enforcement, Phillip Williams, was appointed to the freshly created and approved (Tuesday night) position of director of codes, planning, safety and risk management, effective Nov. 19 for $39.13 per hour.

City manager Rob Minerich said the act of consolidating the departments will make the services offered more efficient and save the city some money.

Commissioner Morgan Eaves thanked Minerich for his efforts in the consolidation, citing it as setting the city on a good path moving…
