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Риск-ориентированное управление. С преподавателем.

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Количественная оценка рисков

Единственный в России и СНГ онлайн-курс по количественной оценке рисков и принятию решений.

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Welcome to the RISK-ACADEMY guide on risk management! This guide provides expert insights and practical guidance on various aspects of risk management, ranging from risk identification and assessment to risk response planning and risk management integration with organizational strategy.

Whether you are a risk management professional or just starting to explore the field of risk management, this guide will provide you with valuable knowledge and practical tips to help you effectively manage risks in your organization.

Each section of this guide focuses on a specific question related to risk management, providing a clear and concise answer from the perspective of an expert risk manager. Drawing on years of experience and the latest research, the expert provides a contrarian perspective that challenges some of the traditional assumptions and methods in risk management, offering practical advice that can help you enhance your risk management practices.

We hope this guide will serve as a valuable resource for you as you navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of risk management. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of risk management together!

Risk Management FAQ


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