The Company that Controls Rover Pipeline was a Cyber-Attack Target


The Rover Pipeline’s corporate parent came under cyber-attack this week, according to Bloomberg News, as did three other natural gas transmission companies. No pipeline operations or safety systems were affected.

Robert Eckman is director of the Center for Cyber Security and Protection at the Cleveland Marshall College of Law. He’s also chief information security officer with Cleveland-based MCPC, a technology management consulting company. He says cyber-security in energy companies has often been divided among departments, and poor internal communication can create  vulnerabilities. But he also says there are now organized efforts to fix that, including new government guidelines.

“The Department of Energy actually has stepped up to the table with oil and natural gas cyber security to bring together information technologies, security and operational technologies into a common framework. That then allows them to prioritize their cyber security capability. So we are seeing movement in that space for certain.”

Ekman, who helped develop cyber security for nuclear power plants including Davis…

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