The Many Dimensions of Effective CISO Leaders


Organizations today must ensure their chief information security officer (CISO) has the leadership and business qualities necessary to drive effective management of cyber risks. In a world where the roles and responsibilities of this position are still evolving, pinning down the traits of effective cybersecurity leaders can prove challenging, yet the stakes are too high to ignore. Having an effective security leader can be the difference between surviving the next incident or going down with the ship.

As the U.S. government’s own CISO handbook put it, “Because no two agency missions are exactly the same, no two CISO roles are exactly the same,” noting that some are essentially responsible for all information security activities, while others have taken on a more strategic, organizational-level role.

Traits of Successful CISOs

What are some traits of a successful CISO? CSO Online asked that very question of security leaders, who reported some secrets to their success.

Fifty-four percent of CISOs pointed to leadership as one of the top skills to develop….

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