What a liberal arts gaming enthusiast can bring to the cyber security table Canadian Underwriter


A priest or minister could help your client manage cyber risk, and it’s not by praying that cyber criminals will leave your client alone.

“My latest three hires have been a theologian, a political scientist and somebody who has their degree in social justice,” said Rob Labbé, director of information security for Vancouver-based mining firm Teck Resources Ltd. “Rather than staffing my team with core computer security and computer science folks, which are hard to find right now – instead I am actually looking to liberal arts majors.”

Labbé was one speaker at the International Cyber Risk Conference, held April 15-16 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Finding talent in cyber risk management was one topic of discussion.

“There are more roles for security than there are people right now,” said Vivek Khindria, vice president of cyber security and technology risk for Toronto-based supermarket chain Loblaw Company Ltd., during ICRMC.

Cyber criminals are individuals with reasons for attacking your client’s assets, explained Labbé.

“There is somebody on the other side of that malware attack,” said Labbe. “They are probably not just bored on a Friday…

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