What if we just abandon “risk management”?


Earlier this year, Marco Nutini asked this challenging question in a newsletter he shared on LinkedIn.

He starts with:

Calm down, I don’t want to ruin my source of daily bread, let alone create a fuss.

Several internationally recognized authors have already addressed a recurring theme in the Risk literature: if a company does not manage risks, but manages decisions, why use the term “Risk Management”?

For example, Grant Purdy and Roger Estall devoted an entire section of their book, Deciding (2020), to propose the temporary eradication of the term. Grant was a nominated expert to the working group that wrote ISO 31000 and ISO Guide 73. Both standards were inspired by AS/NZ 4360:2004, to which Grant was a key contributor. So, I guess he is in a privileged position to give his opinion.

Marco quotes Grant and Roger’s argument that the terms “risk” and therefore “risk management” have multiple meanings and that means they really have no meaning. Therefore, we should stop using the terns.

This is not a view I ascribe to, although I do dislike the four-letter word “risk” because it sparks a negative reaction from most business executives.

Instead, Marco suggests:

“…what we now call ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) is a tangle of three distinct, yet interconnected fields of knowledge,…
