Why must employees be cyber risk aware if top management has no clue, asks academic


Companies often force employees to be cyber security aware, while top management does not have a clue what is going on, prof. Basie von Solms, director of the Centre for Cyber Security at the University of Johannesburg, cautioned at a recent information session hosted by global cyber security company Kaspersky Lab in Cape Town.

“Companies must understand that cyber security starts with top management and must go down to the lowest person in the organisation having access to the IT system,” said Von Solms.

Start at the top

The same goes for the SA government, in his view. The responsibility for cyber security must start at the top with ministries and Cabinet members and stretch all the way down to every school child using the internet.

“If you want to drive a car you must have a driver’s licence, showing that you understand the rules of the road and the risks involved. How often does a country or company allow someone just to drive on the super highways of the internet and not know of the risks?” asked Von Solms.

“Cyber security awareness is not only the responsibility of the IT department or top management. It is each internet user’s own responsibility. The responsibility for cyber…

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