Your Guide to IAM – and IAM Security in the Cloud


As user credentials become a coveted target for attackers, IAM (Identity Access Management) technologies are gaining popularity among enterprises. IAM tools are used in part to implement identity-based access security practices in the cloud. But is IAM security enough to adequately protect cloud identities and resources? In this blog post we answer this question – and others!

What is IAM?

IAM (Identity Access Management) is the framework of policies, technologies, processes and programs that organizations use to manage digital identities and govern user access to organizational systems, data and resources.

IAM is a key piece of a security strategy. IAM helps improve an organization’s security posture by allowing the organization to control and ensure appropriate access to resources in the environment, including to meet growing compliance requirements. Among other things, IAM is used to determine the ability of users to perform system actions like viewing, creating or modifying files.

Using IAM, the organization can implement security best practices such as the principle of least privilege, which helps prevent access-based cyber attacks and mitigate the cybersecurity risks…

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