ERM and operational risk management – RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Join Alex Sidorenko, Vice-president Institute for Strategic Risk Analysis in Decision Making and Director, RISK-ACADEMY to talk about Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and latest developments in operational risk management.

DATE: 30th APRIL 2018
TIME: 9am to 5pm (lunch and coffee included)

Topics to be covered:

  • Decision quality and how humans make decisions under uncertainty
  • Using risk management to:
    • improve relationship with the regulators
    • improve the quality of business planning, budgeting and investment decision making
    • save money on insurance, financing and supplies
  • The future of risk management profession based on the work currently done to update ISO31000:2009

This event is a great opportunity to learn practical steps required to implement basic risk management framework that will help in reducing insurance, financing and purchasing costs.

Register by contacting MITC